The Dark Shadows Wiki

Howdy Proudhug! I see you changed this back to being the 598th episode. In the DVD set there is no separate distinction ... preempted or otherwise missing episodes do not retain their sequential numbering. Therefore this is listed as being 605, and numbering it as the 598th does create some confusion. Would it be easier to list it as 605? Otherwise all the episodes would need reset after the first missing number (I don't know what that was, but I noticed 109 and 110 do not have summaries yet, and other resources show those as non-existent). I don't know how the VHS episodes are numbered, but if they have the "technically correct" numbering it is going to play havoc on people making links from those tapes. See ya after sunset! NightBear 02:19, 8 April 2008 (UTC)

I realize it's going to cause some confusion, but the "episode number" column is for the actual number of the episode, not the title it's referred to as. For example, "1245" is the 1225th episode, not the 1245th. Likewise, "605" is the 598th episode. The purpose of the column is to indicate how many episodes there have been at that point. How else would you know that "1015" is the thousandth episode of Dark Shadows? --Proudhug 02:57, 8 April 2008 (UTC)